State Policy

Following the dollars: After the election, candidate fundraising comes into focus

Candidates and campaign treasurers didn’t have to turn in October sunshine reports before Election Day. Those reports are rolling in now, bringing fundraising into closer focus.

See you in court: Open meetings lawsuit will head to trial

The lawsuit will continue to loom over the University of Idaho’s proposed University of Phoenix purchase — possibly for several more months. The deal faces a May 31 deadline.

Analysis: Another hyperlocal school election, defying prediction and pattern

Here’s a statewide dive into the high-profile trends and outliers from Tuesday’s results.

Court documents provide a detailed look inside the State Board’s closed-door Phoenix meetings

Most of the deliberations about the $685 million University of Idaho purchase took place behind closed doors. Now, depositions and public records allow us to pull back the curtain.

Gov. Little touts apprenticeships — and Launch

Idaho now offers about 2,400 apprenticeships, a number that has increased by 40% over the past three years.

Following the dollars: Idaho’s spendiest school board elections (UPDATED, 11.7.23)

Idaho Education News will continue to track campaign finance reports through the Nov. 7 elections — and beyond.

‘An absolute budget buster:’ Committee takes a sobering look at special education

Special education is underfunded across Idaho, and state superintendent Debbie Critchfield says it will take time to fix the 1975 state law that spells out the approach to funding.

No ruling, no timetable: Open meeting lawsuit remains in play

A 90-minute hearing left the case in limbo. And that uncertainty, in turn, continues to cast a shadow over the proposed University of Idaho-University of Phoenix megadeal.

Analysis: Money makes a big mark in (some) school board elections

The Nov. 7’s trustee elections remain a mixed bag — a mishmash of spendy races and sleepy races, often within the same community. Here are case studies from three Treasure Valley school districts.

High-tech graduation gaps are wide — and unlikely to just go away

It means Idaho employers are forced to look out of state for workers — and they might decide to expand their businesses elsewhere.