QandA with West Bonner trustee candidates

Three seats on the West Bonner County School Board are up for election next week. Incumbents Troy Reinbold, Carlyn Barton and Margaret Hall each face one challenger. In Zone 3, Reinbold faces challenger Elizabeth Glazier; in Zone 5, Barton faces Kathy Nash; in Zone 1, Hall faces Alan Galloway. With the election approaching, Idaho Education News reached out to each candidate to ask about their goals for the school board.

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EdNews sent each candidate a questionnaire but Reinbold and Galloway did not respond. Watchmen Ministry North Idaho of Hayden received responses from both candidates, which are included in this voter guide to help inform voters. The ministry organization is a “source of information for understanding key social, moral, legal and political issues,” according to their website.

Here’s what the candidates wrote about their qualifications and plans for West Bonner.

Why are you running for a spot on the West Bonner County School Board?

Elizabeth Glazier, Challenger (Zone 3): For many reasons but to name a few, I am a mother to two sons who attend Priest River Elementary, and their education is a top priority for me and my husband. I am the President of the American Legion Auxiliary (Post 155, Oldtown, ID) and therefore have experience leading meetings, delegating tasks, and contributing my time and skills to a cause. My background is primarily in inventory management so I’m also extremely comfortable with numbers, budgets, and creating plans while using benchmarks to compare current performance against. I would bring a unique and fresh perspective to the WBCSD Board of Trustees.

Keith Reinbold, Incumbent (Zone 3): There was no response to EdNews’ request for comments. Use this link to read Reinbold’s responses to Watchmen Ministry North Idaho’s questionnaire.

Alan Galloway, Challenger (Zone 1): There was no response to EdNews. However, use this link to read Galloway’s responses to the Watchmen Ministry North Idaho’s questionnaire.

Margaret Hall, Incumbent (Zone 1): I am running because I believe that I will continue to bring to the table a level-headed, thoughtful voice that also strongly advocates for public education on behalf of West Bonner County School District students, parents, staff, taxpayers, and community-at-large. I will work diligently to understand an issue before making a decision and am committed to listening and addressing the different concerns expressed by constituents and individuals throughout the WBCSD. Finally, I bring to the table applicable financial, educational, legal, organizational, and development experience.

Kathy Nash, Challenger (Zone 5): I am the best qualified to hold this seat because of my accounting experience as well as my involvement with the board meetings and research into the policies and finances since 2019.

Carlyn Barton, Incumbent (Zone 5): I have been watching our school system decline for years. My kids both attend schools in the school district. My oldest is graduating this year and my youngest has six more years in the district. I want to see change and am over the top excited about community involvement. The system needs to be rebuilt and the culture changed. I feel I have a unique perspective as a teacher, parent, and as a graduate myself from PRLHS.

Briefly tell us a little about yourself.

Glazier (Zone 3): Originally from Iowa, I moved to Idaho in 2009, after graduating from Iowa State University, to work at Coldwater Creek in Sandpoint. In 2013 I married Shaun Glazier, a local Priest River boy, at our home on the Pend Oreille River. Shaun and I have two sons who attend Priest River Elementary School (6th and 3rd). When I’m not working or attending sporting events, I spend my free time volunteering. I am President of the American Legion Auxiliary (Post 155) and find tremendous joy in giving back to our Veterans and their families. I am starting my fourth year as Secretary of the PRE PTO and enjoy spending time with our little Spartans. Additionally, I am a member of the PR Animal Rescue, the Chamber of Commerce, PRE Site Council, MOPS, and Rotary.

Reinbold (Zone 3): Use this link to read Reinbold’s responses to Watchmen Ministry North Idaho’s questionnaire.

Galloway (Zone 1): Use this link to read Galloway’s responses to the Watchmen Ministry North Idaho’s questionnaire.

Hall (Zone 1): Since 1981, when I bought land and built a small home just outside of Priest River, West Bonner County has been my home base. Over the past 40 years, I have tried to actively contribute to the community. In the 80’s, I organized a set of evening adult education classes at the high school before returning to the University of Idaho to get my undergraduate degree. In the 90’s, during and after my graduate work – which focused on understanding the challenges facing the community and seeking possible solutions, I coordinated the River of Opportunities community and economic development conferences/ forums focused on small business assistance and opportunities, as well as the Rural Cultural Tourism Conference that furthered the Selkirk Loop.  From 2005-2011, I sat on the Bonner County Planning & Zoning Commission, serving as chair for 2 ½ years. Since 2001, I have been a member of our local Search & Rescue team but, unfortunately, less actively since 2020. Finally, since 2015, I have served as a WBCSD trustee. Though I do not have children of my own, I feel strongly that investing in education is critical and we must work together to ensure that we have a strong vibrant community where young people want to stay, return or move to with their families; a place where people want to start and grow their businesses or dreams.

Nash (Zone 5): I’ve lived in Blanchard since 2014. I hold a degree in Accounting. I’ve served on several boards, I’ve been treasurer of several churches, I was treasurer of my HOA back in the 90’s.

Barton (Zone 5): Profession: Certified Teacher. Educational background: I worked in banking while earning my General Business degree. In 2008 I returned to college earning my Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education with a minor in Reading from Whitworth University. I have two daughters who attend school in WBCSD. I was born in Newport, WA and raised in Oldtown, ID.

If elected, what would you like to accomplish?

Glazier (Zone 3): I’d like to see us come together as a community again. There is an obscene amount of incredibly bright and capable adults in our district – if only we’d spend more time providing opportunities for these students, that would be time better spent. There are many folks with concerns about curriculum and extracurricular activities, I happily encourage their involvement. If you have a specialty (skill or knowledge) that you’re willing to share, please step forward and offer it to the district. We could use more helpers, volunteers, mentors, substitute teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria staff, etc. It takes many hands.

Reinbold (Zone 3): Use this link to read Reinbold’s responses to Watchmen Ministry North Idaho’s questionnaire.

Galloway (Zone 1): Use this link to read Galloway’s responses to the Watchmen Ministry North Idaho’s questionnaire.

Hall (Zone 1): Work to regain trust in the full Board by being transparent and consistent in our actions; Address any findings of the forensic audit in order to regain financial trust of the community; and Work to minimize community polarization; and Support the implementation of the 5-year Strategic Plan in order to improve student performance.

Nash (Zone 5): My goal is to bring fiscal responsibility and transparency back to the district.  As well as to provide better safety and education to the students.  Build trust for the district, back to the parents, taxpayers and community.

Barton (Zone 5): I want fiscal responsibility which will include continuing the audit phases. I want to create a positive building and district culture, this will include visiting the principal administration and working on a whole district plan of action.  I will promote anti-bullying education, my hope is to incorporate this step into the culture shift plan. I want to retain teachers with a whole district culture shift in addition to the 4 day school week. By retaining and completing professional development our teachers will better be able to increase our students’ academic scores. And no matter what else takes place, I will make students the center of my decisions.

EdNews Data Analyst Randy Schrader contributed to this report. 

Darren Svan

Darren Svan

Reporter Darren Svan is based in North Idaho and has a background in both journalism and education. Prior to working for military schools at overseas installations, he was news editor at several publications in Wyoming and Colorado. You can send news tips to [email protected].

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