Carly Flandro

Propelling Hispanic youth into brighter futures, one summit at a time

“It changed the whole trajectory of my life,” a former attendee said. “I just felt seen.”

State says test results are mixed; but data shows mostly losses

The SDE’s website displays limited data. State officials said the full report would not be released until Wednesday.

Spelling it Out: How traditional public schools are governed

A complex web of agencies and individuals oversees what happens in Idaho classrooms — this guide helps make sense of it all.

Episode 17: How to make students really, truly love learning? Misha Smith has answers.

In this episode, award-winning teacher Misha Smith talks about how she uses field trips, big questions, and projects with real-world impact to fuel student curiosity and excitement. Plus, she reflects on two recent awards she won — including one that will send her around the tip of South America.

PHOTO ESSAY: Blackfoot’s American Indian week celebrates culture, unites kids

“It’s one of those educational experiences that we give kids in our schools that we’ll never see on an ISAT or an IRI, but it’s going to be so beneficial,” Principal Anthony Peterson said.

A failed bond landed Idaho Falls in legal trouble, twice

Now leaders are spending money on court cases instead of schools.

What does it take to pass a bond in Idaho? Maybe Pocatello/Chubbuck has the answer

If the district’s strategy is effective, it could become a blueprint for other districts to follow. 

For kids, kindness is the antidote to isolation

Just showing up, listening, putting down devices, asking questions, or learning a kid’s name can make all the difference. 

UPDATED: Teton County leaders unite to condemn trustee’s divisive social media post

The post reverberated throughout the community, leaving teachers feeling attacked and demoralized just as the school year was starting.

Idaho elementary receives national recognition for academic excellence

Teton Elementary was among 353 schools to earn the distinction.