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Our schools are caught in the middle of culture war crosshairs

A positive school culture will grow when we move from the politics of “me” or “my circle” to the politics of “all of us together.”

Interacting effectively across cultural lines requires perseverance and sensitivity

There are many ways in which people around the world are similar, yet it is our differences that truly define us.

50 years as a Lumberjack and my decision to retire from public education

I did what I came to do. I’m proud of what we have accomplished. My Lumberjacks are back on top where they belong. I have some great memories.

School superintendent qualifications

Frequently, a superintendent must restrain their personal political views in order to not offend their patrons and subsequently polarize a community.

Absenteeism is not solely the teacher’s problem

This problem of low attendance has an impact on teacher moral and brings up the question of whether or not to continue teaching.

New research proves public charter schools improve student outcomes

Because the CREDO research has been consistently reviewing the performance of charter schools for more than 15 years, it can be labeled one of the most credible of major charter school students.

My checklist for analyzing policy

While politics, name-calling, and resorting to partisan labels may make for good TV, it rarely results in good policy.

Labrador performs political hatchet job on Open Primaries initiative

It would establish a primary election where all candidates run on a single ticket, allowing every voter to select from the entire field.

Millions of households still don’t have access to broadband internet

The digital divide is a complex problem with no easy solutions. However, there are a number of things that can be done to address it.

A broken promise to our kids

The return to attendance-based funding means schools will lose millions of dollars.